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The Boat House

You will find exhibitions in the boathouse about th epeople from Stordal and the war, parts of the Kayser exhibition and a stand with artifacts from the second world war.

​Stordal people and the war

​Kayser Exhibition

  • 1/4
    Monter med gevær og foto på veggen av motstandsfolka Silje Katrine Robinson | Stiftelsen Museum Vest
  • 2/4
    Jenter kikker på ein utstilling i båthuset Silje Katrine Robinson | Stiftelsen Museum Vest
  • 3/4
    Gutar i båthuset i Bjørn West Museet Silje Katrine Robinson | Stiftelsen Museum Vest
  • 4/4
Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.18
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2